Acne is a common skin condition that affects adults as well as teens. About 85% of teenagers experience some form of acne, but it can happen at any age. Adult women are particularly susceptible to acne, with about half of those in their 20s and 35% of those in their 30s affected by it. Hormonal fluctuations, stress, genetics, certain medications, and skin and hair products can all contribute to acne breakouts in adults. Dermatologists advise on what you should and should not do to care for your skin if you have acne.

One of the most common contributors to acne is using skin care products that are too heavy and rich, as they can clog pores. Hair care, skin care, and makeup products with a high comedogenic index, such as those containing shea butter or mineral oil, can cause or worsen acne. Dermatologists recommend choosing oil-free or non-comedogenic products to minimize breakouts. Other habits to break include not showering after working out, using harsh scrubs, sleeping in makeup, using too many products, and changing your skin care routine too often. A basic skin care routine with a gentle cleanser, non-comedogenic moisturizer, and sunscreen is all that is necessary.

For those with mild acne, over-the-counter products like benzoyl peroxide, adapalene, and salicylic acid can be used at home to help treat the condition. However, if acne persists after two months of using these products, it may be time to see a dermatologist. Depending on the cause of the acne, doctors may prescribe oral or topical antibiotics, retinoids, or hormone-modifying agents to control breakouts. Laser treatments are also available to reduce redness and scarring, which cannot be achieved with at-home devices or skincare products alone.

In addition to medications and treatments, dermatologists can help guide individuals on a proper skin care routine to prevent acne. Preventing acne is just as important as treating it, as it can help control breakouts more effectively in the long run. Top dermatologist-recommended products for acne include benzoyl peroxide cream, micro dart pimple patches, drying lotions with sulfur and salicylic acid, topical retinoid gels, and translucent acne patches. LED light therapy devices can also be effective in treating acne by reducing inflammation and preventing the formation of new pimples.

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