A Florida man, Doujon Griffiths, was arrested in New Jersey last week in connection with the fatal shooting of Massania Malcolm and the death of her 1-year-old daughter, Jordania Reid. The bodies of Malcolm and her daughter were found in a car in Orlando in September 2021. Griffiths is also facing attempted murder charges in the shooting of Jordane Reid, identified as Malcolm’s boyfriend and Jordania’s father. Malcolm and Jordania’s bodies were discovered on Sept. 9 in Reid’s car, Sheriff John Mina said in a news conference.

Griffiths had been living with Malcolm and Reid at her Orlando apartment in the month leading up to the shootings. Malcolm was upset that Griffiths wasn’t contributing to rent or other household expenses during his stay. On Sept. 7, Malcolm told Griffiths she wanted him to leave, and Reid agreed to drive him to a Greyhound bus station and buy him a ticket. Malcolm joined them, sitting in the front passenger seat with the couple’s baby in her lap. Griffiths shot at Reid before he started backing out of the parking lot. When Reid tried to run away, Griffiths continued to fire at him.

After the shootings, a neighbor heard Reid asking for help and called 911. Reid, who had multiple gunshot wounds and was unable to speak, managed to write Griffiths’ name and confirm that Malcolm had also been shot. Investigators located Reid’s car, where they found Malcolm’s body in the passenger seat and Jordania’s body on the driver’s side floorboard. The car’s air conditioning was off, and the baby is believed to have died from heat exhaustion. Griffiths fled in the car after shooting Malcolm, leaving her and the baby inside.

Police officers in Linden, New Jersey, arrested Griffiths on the outstanding murder warrants after a traffic stop last week. He will be extradited to Orange County to face charges. The State Attorney’s Office serving Orange County has confirmed an extradition request but has not yet filed charges against Griffiths while he remains in custody. It is unclear whether Griffiths has retained an attorney. The sheriff’s office does not have a time frame for the extradition process.

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