Joni Mitchell’s music catalog has quietly returned to Spotify after she previously removed her work from the platform in solidarity with Neil Young. Her original albums, including “Clouds,” “Blue,” “Court and Spark,” and “Mingus,” are once again available on Spotify. This decision comes after Young announced his return to the service, citing concerns over misinformation in podcasts on Apple and Amazon. Young, two years ago, had pulled his music from Spotify due to what he called the platform’s “public misinformation and lies about COVID.”

In a note on her official website titled “I Stand With Neil Young!”, Mitchell explained her decision to remove her music from Spotify, stating that she stands in solidarity with Young and the global scientific and medical communities on the issue of spreading misinformation. Last month, Mitchell performed at the Grammy Awards, where she won her 10th Grammy for the folk album “Joni Mitchell at Newport [Live].” She has been vocal about her stance against misinformation and lies that can have serious consequences.

Young’s decision to return to Spotify was based on concerns about misinformation in podcasts, particularly following Joe Rogan’s multi-million dollar deal with the platform. Although Young did not specify the exact misinformation being spread by Apple and Amazon, it is likely related to the controversies surrounding Rogan’s podcast and the promotion of misinformation. The return of Young and Mitchell’s music to Spotify marks a significant development in the ongoing debate around misinformation and the responsibility of platforms to police content.

Prior to her return to Spotify, Mitchell had requested that her albums released through Warner Music Group be removed from the platform. However, her releases through Universal Music Group remained available on Spotify. The decision to remove her music was a form of protest against the spread of harmful misinformation that can impact people’s lives. Mitchell’s return to Spotify signals a shift in the music industry landscape and the ongoing discussions around the responsibilities of platforms in regulating content.

The re-addition of Mitchell’s music to Spotify marks a significant moment for fans who can now access her iconic catalog once again on the streaming platform. Mitchell’s music has had a profound impact on the industry and her decision to stand against misinformation demonstrates her commitment to using her platform for good. As artists like Mitchell and Young continue to speak out against harmful content and misinformation, the role of platforms like Spotify in shaping the narrative around these issues will be closely scrutinized by both artists and listeners alike.

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