A common issue in heterosexual relationships is the orgasm gap, where women tend to have fewer orgasms than men. To address this, it is crucial to understand what your partner needs to achieve climax reliably. One way to enhance the bedroom experience is by making small adjustments to your usual sex positions. For example, the missionary position can be upgraded with the coital alignment technique (CAT), where the man positions himself slightly higher to ensure that the base of the penis stimulates the woman’s clitoris. In a study published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, women who learned the CAT reported a 56 percent increase in their orgasm frequency.

CAT is particularly effective because most women require clitoral stimulation to reach orgasm. According to sex therapist Megan Fleming, penetration alone may not be sufficient for many women. CAT provides direct pressure and grinding that offer additional clitoral stimulation, increasing the likelihood of orgasms. Sexologist Sadie Allison provided a step-by-step guide to assuming the CAT position, including using a small pillow under the woman’s hips for support and ensuring that the man’s pelvis aligns directly on top of hers. By practicing rhythmic grinding motions, partners can enhance pleasure and intimacy in the bedroom.

In addition to providing intense pleasure for women, practicing the CAT technique may also benefit men by helping them last longer during intercourse. Sex therapist Lori Buckley explained that the reduced arousal from slow grinding movements can help men maintain control and prolong sexual activity. This win-win situation can improve sexual satisfaction for both partners and deepen the connection in the relationship. By exploring new techniques and positions like CAT, couples can discover new ways to enhance their sexual experiences and bridge the orgasm gap in their relationships.

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