Travelers often focus on preparing for long-haul flights, but there are common mistakes made on short flights as well. The Points Guy director Eric Rosen advises travelers to make sure their devices are fully charged before boarding, as smaller aircraft may not offer as many charging options. It is also recommended to bring a portable power bank as a backup. Founder of Packs Light, Gabby Beckford, warns against getting too comfortable on short flights, as it can lead to scrambling during deplaning. It is important to stay prepared and alert throughout the journey.

It is essential to bring sustenance on short flights, as unexpected delays or cancellations can occur. The Dining Traveler founder Jessica van Dop DeJesus suggests packing snacks and water, as short flights may not always offer full beverage or snack service. Travel blogger Sean Lau emphasizes the importance of eating before the flight or bringing your own snacks, as in-flight food can be expensive and unpleasant. Turbulence can also impact beverage service, so bringing your own drink on board is a good idea.

Choosing the right seat is crucial even on short flights, as it can affect your comfort and experience. Travelmation president Adam Duckworth recommends considering your seat preference based on your needs, such as window seats for those who prefer not to be disturbed. It is also important to plan for any connections or layovers, as short flights are often part of a larger air travel journey. Sitting near the front of the plane can be beneficial for those with connecting flights.

Entertainment options should be considered on short flights, as you may not have enough time to finish a movie or TV show. According to Duckworth, it is important to keep the flight duration in mind when choosing your in-flight entertainment. Additionally, travelers should not overlook the importance of being prepared for the airport experience. Travel blogger Esther Susag advises arriving early, organizing documents, downloading entertainment, and checking carry-on items for loose liquids to avoid unnecessary stress.

Overpacking can be inconvenient on short flights, as smaller planes may have limited legroom and cabin space. Beckford suggests being mindful of how much you pack to ensure a comfortable experience during the flight. Finally, travelers should build buffer time into their schedule to account for unexpected delays or waiting times. Rosen suggests padding your schedule to anticipate potential delays, as air traffic congestion and other factors can add extra hours to a seemingly short itinerary. By avoiding common mistakes and staying prepared, travelers can have a more enjoyable and smooth short flight experience.

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