Former President Donald Trump criticized the judge overseeing his criminal trial in New York and also targeted the judge’s daughter just one day after a gag order was imposed on him. The gag order prevents Trump from making public statements about witnesses, prosecutors, court staff, or jurors in the trial due to his history of inflammatory remarks about the case. However, Trump is allowed to speak about Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and Judge Juan Merchan and his family. Trump accused Merchan of trying to deprive him of his First Amendment rights and criticized Merchan’s daughter for allegedly using an image of him behind bars as a profile picture on social media.

A spokesperson for New York’s state court clarified that the account linked to Merchan’s daughter no longer belonged to her, and it had been abandoned and taken over by someone else over a year ago. Despite Trump’s claims, the account no longer represented the judge’s daughter and was not connected to her in any way. Merchan himself stated that there was no bias in his office and that they were focused on preparing for Trump’s trial, which is the first of his four indictments to go to trial. He emphasized the importance of following the law and ensuring that justice is served in the case.

Trump has been attempting to delay the trial, which is set to begin on April 15, as his 2024 presidential campaign continues. The trial revolves around hush money payments made to silence allegations against Trump in the final days of the 2016 presidential election. These payments were made to adult film star Stormy Daniels and others to prevent damaging stories from coming out. Despite Trump’s efforts to delay the trial and make public statements about the case, the legal proceedings are moving forward. The judge is focused on ensuring that the law is followed and justice is served in the trial.

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